PhD Program - 2nd Phase of Direct Track

In the 3-years PhD phase of Matter to Life (MtL), you will pursue interdisciplinary research at one of the MtL Fellow laboratories, which are distributed all over Germany. In this phase, you will apply the knowledge and experiences gained from the first phase to a specific research question. You can further develop on latest scientific achievements and apply cutting edge technologies to push the boundaries of science. Because of the unique structure of the MtL program, you will benefit from the MtL community and can build and continuously expand your scientific network. We highly encourage our students to use this opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas and technical know-how.

During the Master phase, you have enough time and plenty of opportunities to get to know the MtL Fellows in order to choose a project during the PhD phase that is compatible to your interests and aptitude. Therefore, it is not necessary to think about projects or contact a Fellow before the program actually starts.


"Thanks to the different practical experiences in my various areas of interest during lab rotations and thesis project during the Master’s phase, I discovered my passion in science and gained special skills which then led to my PhD project."
Aysecan Ünal, MtL PhD Student


In order to ensure the best supervision during this phase, your progress will be periodically evaluated in annual meetings with your thesis advisory committee. This committee consists of scientific experts in your research area, who can offer additional support and guidance for your project. Two ombudspersons from the faculty are available to help students in case of any issues relating to their thesis. These measures ensure a broad scientific input, exchange and collaborations, mediations in case of conflicts, and overall, continuous guidance.

You will also have the opportunity to participate and contribute to various events, including scientific symposia and conferences, skill and career workshops, and community events. These are designed to meet the needs and interests of our students and will complement your soft skill training and scientific development.

All student will be employed under a contract and registered at the university of their respective supervising Fellow.

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