Faculty at the Max Planck School Matter to Life
In the Matter to Life Program, you will experience first-class training, highly interdisciplinary teaching and research opportunities from outstanding experts across Germany. Our faculty currently constitutes of 50 Fellows who are selected and appointed for a period of four years as well as 11 Adjunct Fellows.
Below you will find a list of all MPS MtL Fellows, i.e. your potential PhD supervisors. Please visit the websites of the respective partner institutions to learn more about the research work of a specific Fellow.

Karen Alim
Biological Physics: Self-Organization of Shape and Function

Philippe Bastiaens
Out-of-equilibrium biochemical 'life-like' systems

Andreas Bausch

Timo Betz

Eberhard Bodenschatz
Fluid Physics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity

Heike Böhm
Glycans in Synthetic Biology

Michael Boutros
Engineering of genomes and tissues

Dieter Braun
We are performing physico-chemical experiments to recreate Darwinian evolution from scratch. Our goal is to provide a working model of how life could have originated from a few RNA nucleotides in the volcanic environments of the early Earth. This will also reveal novel biotechnological applications, an example from the past is NanoTemper Technologies.

E. Ada Cavalcanti-Adam
Molecular and Cellular Mechanobiology

Laura De Laporte
Advanced Materials for Biomedicine

Hendrik Dietz
Biomolecular Self-Assembly & Controlling Molecular Motions

Stefan Diez
Molecular Transport in Cell Biology and Nanotechnology

Tobias Erb
Synthetic Biochemistry: New-to-nature Enzymes, Synthetic Pathways & Articifial Cells for CO2 fixation

Erwin Frey
Theoretical Physics of Living Systems: Self-organisation, Fluctuations, and Pattern Formation

Kerstin Göpfrich
Biophysical Engineering of Synthetic Cells with DNA Nanotechnology and 3D Printing

Ramin Golestanian
Living Matter Physics

Frauke Gräter
Molecular Mechanisms of Mechano-Sensing

Stephan Grill
Physics of life - Self-organization of living matter

Helmut Grubmüller
Biomolecular mechanism and function by theoretical biophysics and computer simulations

Michael Grunze
Biointerface Science

Jochen Guck
Biological optomechanics

Stefan Hell

Andreas Herrmann
Macromolecular Materials and Systems – Sonopharmacology and Sonogenetics

Anthony Hyman
Biomolecular Condensates
Copyright picture: Sven Döring

Karin Jacobs
Experimental soft matter and biophysics: Adhesion of biomolecules and bacteria and parasites

Kai Johnsson
Chemical Biology

Stefan Klumpp
Theoretical Biophysics - Physical basis of biological function

Sarah Köster
Cellular Biophysics - Mechanics and Dynamics of the Cytoskeleton

Hans-Georg Kräusslich

Katharina Landfester
Nanoparticle protein interaction & Nanocarriers for drug delivery

Reinhard Lipowsky (em.)
Hidden dimensions of self-organization

Martin Möller (em.)
Oligomer and Polymer building blocks for medicine and biological application

Thorsten Moos
Copyright picture: Universität Heidelberg, Kommunikation und Marketing

Marcus Müller
Statistical Physics and Simulation of Biological and Soft Matter

Andrea Musacchio
In vitro reconstitution of cell division

Andrij Pich
Functional & interactive polymers for biomedical and sustainable materials
Copyright picture: Fabio Sentek, DWI – Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien

Joachim Rädler
Soft Matter Physics and Lipid Nanoscience in Living Systems
Matthias Rief
Molecular Biophysics - Function and Folding processes of proteins

Tim Salditt

Franziska Schoenebeck
Origins of chemical phenomena at a molecular level. Synthesis and homogeneous catalysis

Ulrich Schwarz
Soft Matter and biological physics - Forces and elasticity in cell adhesion

Petra Schwille
Cell and Membrane Biophysics & Synthetic Biology

Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Molecular Systems Engineering - Materials and Bioenvironments
Copyright picture: Universität Heidelberg, Kommunikation und Marketing

Joachim Spatz
Cellular Biophysics - Engineering of Synthetic Cells

Jörg Stülke
Our research focuses on the holistic understanding of a simple organism, the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis. We try to achieve this goal by a combination of different approaches:
- Reduction of the genome to the possible minimum
- Investigation of unknown proteins and functions
- Identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions at a global scale
- Development of genome annotation tools and databases

Kai Sundmacher
Biosystems engineering and artificial life-like systems

Franziska Thomas
Functional Materials, Miniproteins and Protein Aggregation
Hans-Robert Volpp
Analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reaction systems
Andreas Walther

Tanja Weil
Supramolecular Biomaterials to Control Cellular Functions

Richard Wombacher
Selective Protein Labeling & Bioorthogonal Chemistry
Copyright picture: Marie Staggat

Martin Zacharias

Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann
Engineering of Organotypic Tissue Models from Pluripotent Stem Cells

David Zwicker
Theoretical Biophysics: Self-Organization and Pattern Formation of Soft Matter